Tips For Baby Massage
The advantages of massaging your infant are numerous. Your baby will feel happier and sleep better if you give him or her a gentle rubdown. There is no need to panic, even though some mothers can find it scary to massage their baby. Here are some suggestions for infant massage that you can use:- After your infant has taken a bath is the ideal time to massage him or her. After a bath, the skin is hydrated, which is perfect for applying an oil or lotion that is easily absorbed. Always massage your baby with light, rhythmic strokes. Use a natural oil that is light and won't make your baby's skin feel greasy. However, you can use a gel-based oil if your baby has dry skin. To determine what is best for your baby, a paediatrician should always be consulted. To warm up the product you're using, pour some oil or lotion onto your hands and rub your palms together. As a result, the infant is more at ease and relaxed during the massage. Start by rubbing the infant's abdomen righ...