
Showing posts from October, 2022

Chronic Kidney Disease

 The primary purpose of the kidneys is to filter waste and surplus fluid from the body for excretion as stools or urine. When kidneys gradually lose their ability to function, chronic kidney disease or chronic kidney failure develops. Chronic renal disease that has progressed might cause an enormous buildup of waste materials in your body, which could ultimately be fatal. Most of the time, chronic kidney disease doesn't show any significant symptoms until it has advanced to a critical stage. In order to stop the progression of the disease, the underlying cause of chronic kidney disease must be identified. However, occasionally this is not a possibility, and it might not be able to stop the disease's progression. The eventual outcome may be total renal failure, which calls for dialysis or a kidney transplant. There is a decrease in kidney function as a result of certain illnesses and conditions that harm the kidneys. Diabetes (type 1 and type 2), interstitial nephritis, glomeru...

What Is Tomato Flu?

 Since it is primarily a viral infection, tomato flu is currently thought to be a clinical variant of HFMD (Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease) or a side effect of dengue or chikungunya. Tomato flu , which was first discovered in Kerala, primarily affects children and adults with weakened immune systems. Tomato Flu symptoms mirror those of Covid-19, however they are unrelated to this virus. The illness gets its name from the red, uncomfortable blisters it leaves all over, which gradually get bigger and then go away after the illness passes (8-10 days). It is currently not life threatening and less contagious than Covid-19. Other signs of tomato flu include body aches, joint pain, nausea, fever, and irritability, among others. Tomato flu patients may also exhibit discoloration of the hands and legs as well as acute lethargy and exhaustion. Additionally, the digestive system is impacted, and patients may experience diarrhoea or abdominal cramps. Patients with tomato flu frequently experie...

How To Manage Diabetes?

 To ensure that your body works as efficiently as possible, controlling your blood sugar levels is crucial. However, controlling blood sugar is more difficult than it first appears. You must be very aware of how your everyday activities and way of life affect the level of sugar in your blood. Your daily blood sugar can fluctuate due to a number of different variables. Following is a list of a few of these: Physical exercise: Exercise is essential for treating diabetes because it helps your body use insulin more efficiently. Make sure to maintain physical activity, even if you don't regularly exercise. Every day of the week, you must engage in moderate aerobic activity for about 30 minutes. After talking with your endocrinologist about what kind of fitness programme may work best for you, stick to a routine. Eat wholesome foods: Without a question, a balanced diet is essential for effective diabetes management. The diet and food combinations that will offer you the best o...

What is Aneurysm?

 An  aneurysm is essentially a bulge in the artery's wall, to put it simply. Sometimes a weak artery might bulge outward due to the force or pressure of the blood travelling through it, which is known as an aneurysm. Other times, a blood vessel's wall becomes weaker for any other reason. Your aorta's belly or chest regions are where aneurysms are most likely to occur. Certain aneurysms can rupture, resulting in severe bleeding or even a stroke. These complications can be fatal. The most frequent causes of aneurysms are atherosclerosis and excessive blood pressure. It's also possible that you were born with a weak artery wall. Aneurysms can also be brought on by specific wounds and infections. Routine cardiac exams are crucial to detect any signs early on because the majority of aneurysms do not exhibit any symptoms. Aneurysms come in a variety of forms. Which are: 1. Aneurysm of the aorta: This aortic aneurysm can be linked to atherosclerosis and occurs in the aorta. I...

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

 Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a disorder that affects pregnant women when the placenta's hormone prevents the body from adequately using insulin. Instead of being utilised by the cells, extra glucose begins to accumulate in the circulation. The good news is that following birth, symptoms of gestational diabetes vanish. We must grasp the placenta's role in order to comprehend the causes of gestational diabetes. The placenta produces a variety of hormones to support a healthy pregnancy. Among them are hormones like oestrogen and human placental lactogen. Some of these hormones, nevertheless, may have a detrimental impact on insulin. Insulin resistance often begins to rise between weeks 20 and 24 of pregnancy and continues to rise as the placenta develops and produces more of the aforementioned hormones. The pancreas cannot produce enough insulin during gestational diabetes to counteract the effects of placental hormones. Although GDM can occur in any pregnant woman, cer...

Colorectal Cancer- Diagnosis and Treatment

 At the very end of the digestive system is the colon. Colorectal cancer , also known as colon cancer, usually starts in the large intestine or colon and usually manifests as benign cell clusters called polyps that can be seen on the colon's interior. Some polyps have the potential to develop into cancer over time, which can result in colorectal cancer. Since polyps don't usually cause any noticeable symptoms, routine colorectal cancer screenings are crucial as a preventive measure. But if colorectal cancer still strikes, there are several treatment options available, including chemotherapy, surgery, medication therapies, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy, among others. Look for signs of colon cancer such as altered bowel habits, blood in the stools, rectal bleeding, persistent abdominal pain, exhaustion, or unexplained weight loss. You may, however, not experience any symptoms in the early stages of colorectal cancer. Chronic inflammatory bowel illnesses, family history of ...